My Amazing Man

The following was an email Greg sent to my family, thought it was too cute and had to share:

"I SO wish someone was here to witness this this morning. Aleta had just left for work. I was about to leave to go service SLU in Hammond but I decided to call Joe Drago over there first to tell him what I am up to as well to see if there was anything he wanted me to look at specifically. While talking to him on my cell Pebbles started rubbing in to me to get some attention. SO with one hand on the phone and one hand rubbing her I kept talking on the phone.

Then… as I was multi tasking with both hands a FLY (first one I have seen all Summer so far) started buzzing around me. So I decided to nestle the phone twixt my ample jowl and my shoulder, … kept on scratching Pebbles and with one swift wave of my hand I caught the fly in mid air… DAMN! Wheres a camera when you want one???… so I took said fly… still buzzing in the palm prison that I expeditiously made for him and walked to the bathroom whilst still engaged in conversation with Joe…. with Pebbles \ in tow… Her ears were UP in an inquisitive gesture obviously entranced that …1. I caught the fly.. and 2.wondering if this is something he will give me to eat… and 3. why are you flushing it down the toilet where the cat drinks out of.

If the fly had ANY brains he would have seen me drinking coffee this morning and that is when I am usually at the top of my game. Pilot error."


You sure were on top of your game..a fly in mid air..You did good..
A nice blog and good read..Happy you understand my gardening skills..
I just realized it wasn't you that caught the fly..Well, anyway, he did a great job and even though I got things mixed up..still enjoyed the read..
SandraRee said…
lol And they say only women are good at multi tasking!
Vikki North said…
To funny. I wish I got emails like that from my son. I'm lucky if he writes a whole sentence.

Greg is really a creative writer. He walked Pebbles, the fly, the phone and me right with him.
Hey Harriet said…
That's a great email! Thanks for sharing the story :)
Sukku said…
What a catch...and mind you it is never easy catching a fly...what reflexes...I guess the fly was messing around in the wrong house...and it learned it the hard way...