Wild Animal Kingdom

Live from Bruce and Sally’s backyard ~ wild animal kingdom entertainment! Bruce and Sally invited us over on Memorial Day for supper and a movie and to offer their congratulations. Greg met Bruce when he was doing competitive shooting many years ago. They are great people, very real, love to laugh and open to talking about anything and everything. Sally is an extremely talented beader; she’s the one who introduced me to the Beading Society. We had a lovely time and the best part ~ the live entertainment!

They have a bird haven in their backyard. There are at least 5 bird feeders, those long kinds, always filled and the birds know it! Just that afternoon I saw 4 different types of birds. Sally knew the types of each and they have a Bird Watcher book for new ones that flock in.

As we finished up supper, I looked outside and Greg remarked how a bird almost flew into the window! I suddenly saw two long bird legs and a long tail! I was so excited! I said, "Hawk! Hawk!" There it was a predator, perched in an empty area. With stripes across the tail and red eyes, he stayed still. When I saw a rush of leaves move from the bushes nearby, he spotted it too and darted in closer.

Suddenly, a bluebird flew down from a neighboring tree. Sally and Bruce remarked that the Hawk will eat Bluebirds and this one might be trying to protect a mate or babies in the bush. That bluebird squawked with all his might! Each time he cried out, he did it with so much might that his body lifted up from the force of the sound. The Hawk didn’t budge and Bluebird attacked! Yes, that brave little bluebird attacked a predator! The Hawk ended up going into the bush, but we didn’t see that he made a kill.

Truly, it was fascinating ~ better than HDTV entertainment and drama!

Greg looked at me as we watched the birds and said, "You want something like this at home now too, don't you?" I couldn't help but smile!


Anonymous said…
wow this story is amazing, Nature is unconcorable.
Anonymous said…
still smiling i see ......

a baby cardinal fell out of its nest a bit too soon on my back patio. i have a miniature dacshund that kept barking at it. Mama bird sat on a branch above it, urging it desperately to fly, fly. Daddy bird brought food for nourishment to the baby. We put the dog inside the house for a day.

it took most of the day, but eventually that little bird learned to fly - or at least he found his way to safer ground .....

nature indeed is quite something to watch!

lady blue
Stacey said…
A little bit different I know but.........
We had a black birds nest in the tree a few feet away from our back door,and a couple of the babies fell out of the nest...and the mum sat on the fence and dept flying down to them, we watched for ages.
Nature is one of the most beautiful things......

And I bet Greg WILL surprise you ;-D
GypsiAdventure said…
Sounds wonderful!
Raffy Jay said…
I hope I could have one in my home too.
Anonymous said…
saw your semicharmed comment...on the very o'40 I can totally relate :)

Sayani said…
ohh!!! they are so beautiful...
and they look so happy in nature free and colorful .....
Aleta said…
Hi Henriette ~ I’m glad you enjoyed the Bluebird story. I was so impressed with that brave bird!

Hi Lady Blue ~ Oh, I love Cardinals! We don’t see them too often. I once read that Bluejays and Cardinals are very territorial and where you find one, you won’t find the other. I’m so glad the baby bird learned to fly. So sweet that the parents nourished the baby. Aww..

Hi Stacey ~ I agree, nature is a beautiful thing. It’s wonderful to see how the parent birds will care for the young. And, smiles, Greg is already talking about setting up a bird haven in our backyard too! I can’t wait!

Hi Kel ~ Thanks for stopping by and enjoying!

Hi Raffy Jay ~ Nature is something we should surround ourselves in, rather than the technologies of the day. It’s something we can only hope to be a part of.

Hi Mizfit ~ Lol, age is a factor of the mind, eh? Glad to know I’m not alone!

Hi Sayani ~ I don’t think I’d want to have a pet bird in a cage. I’d always feel like the nature of the bird was being diminished and hurt. That’s why I loved how Sally and Bruce had it set up. The birds know where to go for the food and we know where to go to watch them!