Preacher with a Gun
I thought it was an ironic thing, but come to find out it's not an unheard of concept. One of Greg's friends is a Rector Pastor who took up the skill after going shooting with Greg. He had some great childhood stories to share. The Rev also talked about the first and last time he wore his collar on a flight. Someone made that trip very long with confessions and life stories. He made me laugh with the recap of memories.
It was differ
ent meeting Greg's friend versus the Archbishop, both had a delightful sense of humor. The Archbishop had a quiet, kind demeanor. It was special to share in the private celebration that he offered to Greg's family for his parents' 50th anniversary and his mom's retirement. Click here to read the Clarion Herald article on Greg's parents and their work with charity.
(picture ~ Greg's parents celebrating their 50th anniversary)
It was differ
(picture ~ Greg's parents celebrating their 50th anniversary)
"We are not an island to ourselves" and hopefully feel the need to be there for each other. In the article, there are a couple of ideas for charity, including working for the humane society (I'd probably come home with a house full of animals to save) or at the Children's hospital (when I was the philanthropy chairperson for a sorority, I arranged for the girls to go to the hospital and spend time with the children - very moving experience).