Talking Cat

Well, most of the time Tigger is a "Talking Cat." He's sitting at my feet right now and giving me that "pay attention to me" meow. He's not shy either. Anyone coming to visit has to pet him.

I got Tigger from the SPCA. That was an experience. They don't keep the cats in seperate kennels. They put them all in one room. A big room with nothing but cats and claws. I was actually a little nervous about going into the room and I love cats. Kittens were playing with my shoe laces, other cats looking to be held, some more aloof. But Tigger, he walked up to me, stretched his front paws up and put them gently on my leg and meowed. He owned me.

Tigs has this weird thing about mornings and late afternoons. Greg thinks he's just trying to warm up, but I think he's trying to get daily exercise. Tigger will dash from one side of the house to the other side as if it's imperative, absolutely needed that he get there as fast as his legs can skitter across the tile floors. (Have you seen a cat not get traction? It's like watching a cartoon!)

Normally I can get good pictures of him, but he just didn't want to cooperate to well with the camera video. Also, Tigs will come running when I call him or "meow" on commend if I'm talking to him, but he was being camera shy.

Just thought I'd take a light hearted moment to share him with ya'll. Oh and if you listen closely, you can hear Greg laughing about the "4 inches" on my blog. It was his first time reading what I wrote. (And if the house is a mess in the background, oh well.. it's the office room. That's happens!)


Jennifer said…
OMG--a big room full of cats! Just thinking about that makes my allergies flare up! But actually--it's a great way to choose a cat b/c you can really get a handle on their personalities.

Tigg is adorable!
larkswing said…
Tigg just was not going let it out that he is probably the only cat that responds to his humans on command! Cats are not suppose to do that! Too funny - tigg is a cutie!
GypsiAdventure said…
He's too cute! I have a cat that I just adore - he too 'owned' me the moment I walked into the SPCA and saw him - most unlikely of cats to be chosen, but he found a home with us and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Have a great day!
Tabitha Blue said…
Cute cat!! Seems friendly. LOL, and I love it when they decide to dart all over the place!! :)
A New Yorker said…
I have to watch this later when i get home but sounds funny. Yes, cats tear ass at certain times of the day. Usually after they death by doodie me. :-)
What a gorgoeus siamese kitty he is ! Give Tigger a behind-the-ears-rub for me :)
Brandy said…
Why did I have the funny feeling that the 4" conversation became so much more after the recording stopped?

Beautiful cat
Lilly said…
Aleta - no I could not have handles a big room of cats - no way...

Tigger is just impressive. And it was lovely to hear your and Greg's voices. You have a gorgeous laugh by the way!!!

Does this mean Greg will be reading your blog from now on?
A New Yorker said…
It's neat to hear your voice. He's noisy cause he's siamese. Noisiest breed. So cute!
Aleta, Thanks for stopping by! Congrats on your pending nuptials! Exciting!

Oh the bride blogger world is intense! Check out my library links off my home page and there are some great blogging brides on there as well as some resources! Visit Often! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, what a sweet little face! I have 4 cats myself, and when on occasion they all get "the rips" (like you described with Tig) at the same time, it's bedlam! And hilarious!
That's the funniest part. I love that he is still laughing about the 4 inches...
I'm rather a dog-person but your cat seems to have an interesting personality (or should that be feline-ality?).
Anonymous said…
Great story, I really enjoyed. Nice video, you can so tell Tigga' is having none of it with the camera. Here is a story I blogged about, that happens to be about one of my rescues. I have LOTS of animals, so hopefully I will get around to blogging about all of them!
nikkicrumpet said…
Well we know he's a smart cat...he picked such a good owner!
♥ Boomer ♥ said…

I always feel sad at those places, 'cause I can't take 'em all!
Unknown said…
Good for you for adopting from the SPCA. He's a cutie.
Aleta said…
Hi Jennifer ~ And I was able to see how the cats react to one another. Some were just a little too playful and I imagined all sorts of havoc in the house. Lol.

Hi Lmerie ~ You got that right! He was just not going to let on. Lol

Hi Kel ~ Isn’t it wonderful to adopt a cat from the SPCA? Tigger’s story was that the lady who owned him passed away at the age of 30 and her parents couldn’t keep him. He is a sweetie and I felt so bad for him – from going to his original owner’s home to the SPCA. He’s owns this house now. Lol

Hi Dr Wifey ~ I think so too!

HI Tabitha Blue ~ Oh, he’s a friendly cat. Definitely not one to hide. If someone comes into the house, he has to be introduced!

Hi Annie ~ Tigs appreciated the behind the ear rub! I love Siamese too.

Hi Brandy ~ HA HA HA… because you’re right, it didn’t end after the recording stopped. LMAO.

Hi Lilly ~ Aww, you are too sweet! Greg gives me a lot to laugh about in life. Ohhh yeah, in fact, if I post something, he’ll say, “You need to tell me that you posted on your blog. I have to know these things.” Hehe.

Hi Lauren ~ I found out about Siamese and noisy after I got him. In the morning, after his daily run, he walks around and inspects the house and meows into each room!

Hi AmyJean ~ Thank you and I’ll definitely check out the bride blogger!

Hi Deborah Godin ~ “the rips” ~ love it. I’m just glad he’s not the only cat that does this. Greg couldn’t get over it the first time it happened!

Hi Carrie ~ Hehe. I think he’s not going to let me live down the 4 inches for a while yet. Lol.

Hi Sucharita Sarkar ~ Oh yes, he does have personality. He actually enjoys being around people. When I type on the computer, Tigs likes to be on the top of the green sofa next to my desk. He’s a sweetie.

Hi Kelly ~ Lol. I know – he kept looking from side to side. He just didn’t want to play with the camera. As though Tigs was thinking, “I just KNOW she’ll use this to blog.” Thanks for sharing your blog site address.

Hi Gary ~ you make me laugh! Yeah, Tigger is my baby!

Hi Watercolor ~ I agree! He has beautiful blue eyes and I love the steel tipped chocolate colors.

Hi Nikki ~ Awww – how sweet of you to say that!

Hi Bfs ~ Isn’t it sad? Greg won’t let me go to Petsmart when they have adoption days, because he knows I’d just have to bring one of them home.
Aleta said…
Hi Heinous, If I could have adopted more, I would. One of these days I’d like to do some volunteer work with the SPCA.
Tulsi said…
I LOVE cats who talk. Mine is non stop. But she doesn't love people. I had to laugh at him skidding across the tile. Mine does that to try to beat me from the laundry room to the living room. I don't know what she thinks we are going to do.
grace said…
i'm pretty sure seeing an entire room of homeless kitties would break my heart. good for you for rescuing one--he's adorable! :)
Walker said…
Thats a nice looking cat.
Mine is the same way.
Cats have their unique personal;ities and they usually come out when I am sleeping and Frick is doing the Canada Grand Prix around the house while i sleep.
Holly said…
It's true -- cats own you! What a cute kitty.
polona said…
he's a cutie and reading how he chose to be adopted by you was a great treat
cornnut32 said…
my cat talks, too. all the time. and if i meow back at her, she will carry on a full conversation with me. we got her at the humane society, and she is the best cat i've ever had.

i just love cats. :)
Anonymous said…
Can I borrow Tigg? I have a mouse running around the study as we speak and it's freaking me out.
Heather said…
a good many of my cats are talkers. i don't know what i would do without them. i got my onyx at the spca (you can read about him on my blog...categorized under my animals somewhere) and he owned me too...although he wasn't in a room full of cats!

i have a deep love for siamese. although none of my current cats are siamese, one day i hope to get another.