Letter to my son

Dear Son, All three weeks of VBS are over. You couldn't say which was your favorite. You said, "All of them!" Each offered a variety of fun and learning. St. Augustine's VBS had a huge amount of crafts, songs that you learned throughout the year at preschool there and individual picture magnets and the kids sang at the Sunday service. St. Matthews' VBS had cool games and a really nice singing performance for the parents to enjoy and a picture of the kids' groups. Atonement's VBS sold the CD with the music, which was for both their VBS and St. Matthew's. It's nice to play the CD in the car for you to sing along to. Atonement turned snack time into craft time - kids decorated cookies and cupcakes and made s'mores. (Quick note: TJ used the potty at Atonement's VBS! The teacher asked if he had to pee. TJ said, "No." The teacher said, "You need to pee." and he went to the bathroom! This is a big step in pot...